How Does Your Website Rank?

In other words, if a prospect for the services that you provide were to initiate a search on the Internet using search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and they included certain words or phrases in their search, would your site show up in the search results of popular search engines and if so, where would they show up, or “rank”?
Why is Rank Important?
When you do a search, how often do you go past the first few results, past the first page? Various reports show that the majority of sites selected or “clicked” via a web search are on the first page, and alas, may be skewed in the majority to the first 3 or 4 results. Sites well down the list, or on the second or third pages of results, receive almost no clicks. So, despite the accurate claims from the experts that keyword rankings are only a part of the puzzle of an internet strategy, these rankings are indeed a very important part and a basic foundation of success.
Which Search Results, Organic or Paid?
Good question. This blog post is concerned with organic results. These are search results which are found on the left hand column of a search and do not include the top two or three results on the left hand side (which are paid results).
Isn’t There More Than Just Being Found?
Yes, absolutely! There are several areas which must be considered in your website strategy as far as how they can positively impact your business. However, a basic building block of success of your online endeavor is high rankings for terms which you believe are relevant to the services or products you provide.
How Can I Check My Keyword Search Result Rankings?
There are many site traffic tools you can use to take a look at your rankings and other technical aspects of your website. Google provides “Google Analytics” which will give you a wealth of information regarding your site. Their service is free. There are a number of other paid services which will allow you to learn a great deal about your site, how many “hits” it is getting, where they are coming from, and importantly, how you are ranking for the keywords or keyword phrases that are important to your business.
Is There a Way for Ranking Reports to Check Automatically?
Yes, there are a number of tools and services that you can use to get reports of your rankings sent to you. Here at Moore Tech Solutions, we have evaluated several services for our own use and are now offering to provide this service to our clients.
Can I See How Competitors Rank For My Keywords?
Yes, of course! Any of the services we provide or recommend will allow you to enter in up to three of your competitors to see how their sites are ranking in search results for your critically important keyword phrases.
Would you like to learn more? Feel free to contact us and we will be glad to answer your questions.